The yen also rises
The dollar's decline since U.S. economic data started weakening in June has taken the yen within reach of highs last seen 15 years ago. The dollar was...
A yen for trade war?
Holding down the yen won't work for Japan. But that's far from the worst part of Wednesday's news.The bigger problem is that the Bank of Japan's decis...
Curbing a yen for Japanese stocks
Despite more interest in Japanese equities, experts are mixed over whether they're a smart investment.By Beth KowittInvestors have been putting more m...
1986年1月,摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)投资策略分析师拜伦•维恩提出了来年的十大“意外”事件。现在,虽然已经成为黑石集团(Blackstone Group)咨询业务副董事长,他依然在坚持进行这样的预测。维恩对“意外”事件的定义是,普通投资者认为它们发生的可能性只有三分之一,而他相信...
索尼亏损惨重 加快重组步调力求摆脱困境
明年对于索尼公司(Sony Corp)而言很可能又是困难的一年。财报显示,这家日本电子产品公司预计将于明年亏损500亿日元(合4.89亿美元),这个数字与分析师最初做出的公司将扭转亏损、盈利590亿日元的预测大相径庭。这家日本科技巨头还表示,他们将于今年加快重组计划,拆分一些无法盈利的部门。索尼宣布...
Goldman predicts deeper dollar drubbing
Not by a long shot, say Goldman Sachs economists in a note to clients this week. They estimate the dollar's value would have to drop by another 10% to...
由于日元的强势升值,丰田公司(Toyota)预计,该公司今年的净利润跌幅或将超过35%。这意味着,丰田在弱势日元时代连续3年刷新纪录的盈利期将就此结束。据汤森路透(Thomson Reuters)I/B/E/S报道,本周三丰田公司表示,该公司本会计年度(截止到2017年3月)的利润额将从上年的2.3...
Selecting currency
How the average investor can get a taste of foreign tenderBy Katie Benner and Beth KowittInvesting in currencies is tricky for the average person. The...